Thursday, January 9, 2020

Lily Przybylinski- Thursday

Third day in New York, second day of internships! Today, we all woke up ready for our internships and much more confident after conquering our first days at work. Abby and I left for our jobs at Penguin Random House at around 9am, and luckily did not get turned around after exiting the subway today like we had before! The day consisted of reading manuscripts and going to a design team meeting. In the meeting, we got to see the book covers that were currently in progress, complete with all the concept art and the developing pieces, which were really amazing to see.
After getting off work, Abby and I stopped at a macaron stand in a marketplace called the Turnstile that is located in the subway and is filled with restaurants and little stores. Then, shortly after arriving to the hotel, we set off with Cate, Ellie, and Kate for dinner. Twenty minutes later, we were at Ellen’s Stardust Diner, where the staff serenade you and dance on tables while you enjoy your meal. An hour later, we left satisfied after singing along to Disney classics and Tina Turner while eating our food. All in all, Day 3 was a success! --Lily Przybylinski

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